
So... Merry Christmas, right? Gotta love the holiday season. Some of us gotta wonder what's happened to the snow that used to fall so regularly during this season. Well, global warming took care of that for a sizeable part of the world, including my own! But I needn't ramble. Today, I wanna talk about Christmas itself.


Did you notice it? The cold winds biting at your nose? The groups of wanderers singing carols at every doorstep? Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is You" playing at every damn retail store? Yep, It's Christmas Eve, alright. Bet you're waiting to get your mittens on those gifts, aren't you? I mean, that's what Christmas is apparently about! The gifts! You give gifts, you receive gifts, you talk about gifts, gifts gifts gifts. Not to mention a very special set of gifts. One from a certain... plump, bearded old man, clad in red. The jolliest of security breachers, the man wanted everywhere for breaking and entering, it's Santa Claus! Nevermind the fact that he always takes your milk and cookies, everyone loves this guy! Although, it does feel like he's aided by some sort of... eldritch force. And I'm not talking about the reindeers or the elves, I'm talking about something else. Something that... well, doesn't really feel like it belongs to this world. Maybe there's a good reason as to why old folklore depicts horrid monstrosities and events alongside the usually jolly ones. Oh well, what's a little holiday cheer without some holiday horror to go alongside it? Makes for a good story.


I guess that's it for Christmas, then! Snow (or a lack of it), singing carols, and one notorious break-in artist whose prowess comes from an unconfirmed source. It's a magical time, really. I hope you're having just as good a time as I am, sipping hot cocoa and cuddling up with your pillows beneath dozens of warm and cozy blankets, just counting the days left until that most special day.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and I'll (probably) see you next year!


Ho-ho-ho! Merry Discord!



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